
You can use this page to schedule an appointment at our Centralized Immigration Legal Services Center.

!Important Information!


We are not the government and do not work for any government agency. All staff that are working are part of non-profit legal organizations that are based here in Chicago. We will not share any information with anyone outside this center and all information shared will stay confidential.

You are participating in a workshop of limited immigration legal services for recent arrival asylum seekers who do not have immigration legal representation as of the date of your appointment. By participating in a pro se asylum workshop you are not being represented by Legal Aid Society of Metropolitan Family Services (LAS of MFS) or any other organization offering services through the Centralized Immigration Legal Services Center. The organizations are here to help you understand your rights in seeking asylum, to help you understand the legal process, and to explain the process of filing for asylum.

The individual meeting with you at your appointment is not agreeing to be your attorney and is not agreeing to appear before the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) asylum interview or the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) immigration court on your behalf. You should be looking for a licensed attorney or Department of Justice (DOJ) accredited representative if you are able and want to be represented.


What happens at the appointment?

After you schedule your appointment, you will receive a text message and an email confirming your appointment. If you do not get a text message, please check your email for confirmation.

In your confirmation message, there will be a link to complete a legal screener before your appointment. The questionnaire can also be found at this page: https://gabby-ai.vercel.app/. Please complete the questionnaire before your appointment. You should still attend your appointment if you cannot finish the questionnaire.

What if I do not complete the questionnaire before my appointment?

If you did not complete the questionnaire before your appointment, you will be asked to complete it on-site at our center and staff can provide assistance if you have questions. This will take approximately 45 to 90 minutes so you should plan to arrive an hour early to your appointment. If you do not arrive early, there is no guarantee you will be able to proceed to the legal screening station if you need to complete the questionnaire during your appointment and you may need to attend a follow up appointment to complete the legal screening appointment. You have the option to wait and see if an appointment is made available that day.

What if I do complete the questionnaire before my appointment?

Once you come in for your appointment, you will check in, verify that your completed the questionnaire, and be seen by qualified legal representatives. They will review your previously completed questionnaire to determine your eligibility. They will check many different items, like your court hearing date and location, and any current statuses. If you have a court hearing officially scheduled in another state, we will assist you in filing a Motion to Change Venue. We will also assist you in submitting any Change of Address if needed.

If you are determined eligible for our asylum workshops, we will schedule you for our next available workshop day. Once you come in for your asylum appointment, legal staff will assist with preparing and filing your application.

How long does each station take and what will we do at each?
Completing the questionnaireIf you did not complete the questionnaire before your appointment45 to 90 minutes to complete
Screening AppointmentReview legal screener and determine eligibility for:
– Asylum
– U Visa (Victims of Crime here in the US)
– T Visa (Victims of Trafficking)
– And others
30 to 45 minutes
Change of informationChange of Venue, Change of Address, ICE Check-in and Change of Address
– Assist with filing documentation as needed
20 to 30 minutes
Asylum ApplicationWe will complete, review, and file your entire asylum application4 to 5 hours
What should I bring to my appointment?

You should bring any and all immigration documents that you have to your appointment. This will allow us to have a complete picture of your current immigration process and can assist you the best we can.

Who needs to complete a screener?

Any person over the age of 14 should complete their own screener. However, families will be kept together in one appointment slot to make sure everyone receives the best information for you and your family.

Will my spouse and I be seen together?

Families will be seen together if spouses are legally married. If you are not legally married, each spouse needs to schedule their own appointment.

Can my children come to the appointment with me?

You can bring your children, but there is limited space available. We do have puzzles and coloring books available for children who are in attendance to do while their parents are completing their appointments.

I’ve already filed my asylum application and do not need a legal screening, but I need help with a Change of Venue and Change of Address. Can I still get help?

Yes! If you have already filed your applications and no longer need a legal screening for eligibility, you can still come for an appointment to complete your Change of Venue Motion and Change of Address with assistance from legal staff.

Asylum Clinic

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